Average Salary
The generated salary comparison report will contain valuable information about your salary and income status. The salary comparison report will tell you: the average salary for your job title in your country, the percentage of people earning less or more than you.
Average income around the world
The average income is calculated by gross national income and population. On dividing all annual incomes and profits by the country’s population, we will see the average income per capita. Included in this amount are all salaries and wages, but also other unearned income on investments or capital gains.
Official data is published by several organizations like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or the OECD on a regular basis. Unfortunately, there are no standardized procedures to adjust for inflation, currency fluctuations or real purchasing power. That’s why each institution has its own ranking and varying results.
Difference between salaries and income
The salary or wage is paid to a worker or employee for their work. A self-employed person, therefore, has neither wages nor salary, but an income nevertheless. Also, workers or employees may have an additional income to their salary. This may include income from capital gains (including securities or interest).
The income of a person is therefore the sum of all of their earnings. At first glance, that may sound somewhat inaccurate in a country comparison, as companies also generate an income. Regardless of size, the company is also owned by individuals. Therefore, the income of the owners increases to the same extent as the income of their companies.
Top 10 Washington D.C. highly paid Profession
The highest paying jobs are created in the fastest growing and most economically strong companies. Let's take a look at the highest paying profesion in the city.